The PR organized a three-day planning meeting with SRs in Capital View Hotel in Koforidua on 13th January 2022 and this was preceded by a 2-day WAPCAS HQ staff meeting.
Mrs. Asamoah-Adu addressed the house that we had only two more years to prove that we were capable of continuing the implementation program. It was agreed that the work done by the field officers and volunteers were vital to the program. That being said, their contribution towards the program was highly appreciated by the Executive Director. She further stated that, there was more room for improvement and since officers at the head office were present, they were to help the SRs also plan for the activities for 2022.
She then informed the meeting that the theme for the year 2022 was “Greater Involvement for Positive Results”. The SRs (MARITIME, PROLINK, WAAF and CEPEHRG) were admonished to send the theme of the year to their officers and volunteers. Explanations were to be made to their people so they can involve themselves to achieve positive results. This was to guide all officers.
She further emphasized that some challenges were faced in 2021 during implementation. They include; the issue of LGBTQ+ within the country. Other challenges were;
- Unavailability of condoms: This she explained that condoms for community members were unavailable, but an opportunity was given to WAPCAS to purchase condoms for community members and this helped address the challenges. She furthermore added that flavored condoms would be purchased for the MSM community members in 2022 and this should be distributed for free for MSMs. For FSW she mentioned that WAPCAS would rely on Ghana Health Service for condoms to be distributed to the FSW communities.
- Issue of COVID: She emphasized that PPEs were procured for FSW community members. Free masks were also distributed to FSW communities. Also, some wash materials such as poly-tanks were procured and distributed to these communities.
Mrs. Asamoah-Adu mentioned that refresher trainings would be handled by the individual SRs to spearhead the training of Peer Educators whereas HQ would support them technically. Team leads were recommended to enhance the search for venue for the refresher trainings. She further explained that this was an opportunity for the officers to know what the field team are saying and their understanding of the implementation program.
She then informed the house that the Global Fund was monitoring all implementing activities in the country, and we had to enhance our work. She however mentioned that there is fairly stability amongst the FSW communities but that cannot be said among the MSM Communities and this warranty some attention in the latter. This was because, much had not been achieved in these communities and it was the objective of PR to bring much discipline to the MSM communities. The meeting was updated on some restructuring of WAPCAS HQ and field staff for greater Involvement for positive results.
She then concluded her speech by thanking officers for making it to the meeting and grateful for the Executive Directors from the various SRs supporting the program and the hard work being done.